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Go Green this Spring! March 23 2015, 0 Comments


It’s officially Spring and there is no better time to make a few simple changes for a greener life-style. Join us in Going Green[er] this Spring. You don’t have to start living a "zero waste" life, though that would be something to aspire to, and you don’t need to stop showering (please don’t). There are plenty of small, simple changes you can make that add up to a greener life-style. You may not feel like you can make a big difference, but if we ALL take a step towards being greener; now that could be a serious impact.

“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi

Stay tuned for our daily tips and in the meantime, here are a few websites to get you started:

EarthShare provides free green tips, categorized by season.

Green is Universal offers some easy ways you can start to live greener.

GreenPeace lists tips to help create a healthier environment for you and your family, as well as for the Earth.

Zero Waste Home provides 100 tips to lower waste at home.

And for the kids:

National Geographic Kids has a number of tips, and to really get the kids involved, check out Earth Saver’s Club for Kids. They have tips, games and projects. Kids can even join as a member and take a Pledge to help save the planet. Love the Earth

"Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference." - Jane Goodall

One of my favorite ways to make an impact is to always carry a bag (paper or biodegradable, of course) with me on walks and pick up any trash I come across. Comment below and let us know your favorite tips for going green this spring.

Tips to Reduce Food Waste March 16 2015, 0 Comments

Try some of these great tips from the New York Times to reduce food waste. See if there is anything you and your family can do to reduce food waste in your home. We all can reduce our footprint by making small everyday changes.