News + Information
DIY Hand Sanitizer March 03 2020, 0 Comments
With the Corvid-19 now detected in the US and specifically Washington State (where we are located), we’ve been told to prepare for a potential quarantine; have a two week supply of essentials. Really, it’s what we’ve been directed to do for many years…disaster preparedness.
Apparently, people are finally taking heed.
If you’re looking for hand sanitizer, you’re going to be hard pressed to find any on store shelves (not to mention toilet paper and bottled water).
While hand washing for at least 20 seconds is the preferred defense against the virus, sometimes you just don’t have access to soap and water and a hand sanitizer is necessary.
The good news is, you can easily make your own hand sanitizer. There are a number of recipes to be found online. Some exclude the alcohol and rely solely on the essential oils. The CDC recommends a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, this one is around ~65%. I wanted to share one that was simple and with the fewest ingredients.
- ¾ cup Isopropyl Alcohol 91% (rubbing alcohol)
- ¼ cup aloe vera gel
- 5-10 drops of essential oil (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, oregano, or Four Thieves oil blend)
- 2-3 drops of colloidal silver (optional)
- Simply mix together the Isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel together until well blended.
- Add 5 to 10 drops essential oil (your choice). Stir to incorporate.
- Use a funnel to pour into a squeeze bottle or pump bottle. Shake before each use.
A few Notes on Essential Oils
Essential oils (and colloidal silver) can add additional anti-microbial benefits. I like Lavender and Tea Tree because they are readily available at most health food stores, they blend nicely together and they are relatively affordable oils. Another great choice would be the Four Thieves essential oil blend. According to legend, the blend was concocted by grave robbers during the bubonic plague outbreak. No idea if the story is true, but the essential oil blend is a good one.
And again, a good hand washing with soap and water is going to be your best defense. Use the hand sanitizer as a backup. Long term use of an alcohol hand sanitizer can be drying on the hands.
Be Well,
Easy All-Natural Bath Bomb Tutorial December 06 2019, 0 Comments
Making bath bombs is super easy and a wonderful DIY project to do with kids. They also make a great gift. Our Easy All-Natural Bath Bomb Tutorial will get you on your way to making awesome bath bombs for yourself, family and friends!
Every day is Earth Day April 22 2019, 0 Comments
At Earth Soap Co, we are committed to bring you skincare products that are sustainably made by people that care. For us, that means being an eco-conscious business every step of the way. This Earth Day, we wanted to share with you a few ways we strive to put people and the planet before profit.Washing Our Hands of Palm Oil April 17 2017, 0 Comments

Did you know Palm Oil is the most commonly used vegetable oil in the world? Palm and its derivatives are in about 50% of all packages products on store shelves and 70% of all cosmetics. It’s also a primary ingredient in soap. It’s inexpensive, easy to use and helps make a great bar of soap. But it comes at a steep cost to the environment.
You are probably aware of the bad rap Palm Oil is receiving. Palm Oil production is now one of the world's leading causes of rainforest destruction and driving a number of species like the Sumatran Rhino, Sumatran Elephant and the Sumatran and Bornean orangutan to the brink of extinction.
At Earth Soap Company, we have always used Sustainable Palm Oil, but RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified Palm Oil has been under fire for several years from environmentalists and organizations who feel it is not doing enough to protect the forests or animals and is nothing more than a greenwashing scheme.
Therefore, over the last year, we have switched all of our soaps over to a Palm-Free formula and we are thrilled with the results. The premium oils and nut butters we are using to replace palm oil lend to an even creamier more luxurious lather!
We realize there is no easy answer on the palm oil issue and we will continue to put pressure on producers to improve the sustainability of palm oil production.
Until we are certain that RSPO certification does mean protection of forests, human rights and species, we will continue to be palm free.
More Resources:
5 Easy Green Resolutions for 2017 January 05 2017, 0 Comments
Go Green this Spring! March 23 2015, 0 Comments
It’s officially Spring and there is no better time to make a few simple changes for a greener life-style. Join us in Going Green[er] this Spring. You don’t have to start living a "zero waste" life, though that would be something to aspire to, and you don’t need to stop showering (please don’t). There are plenty of small, simple changes you can make that add up to a greener life-style. You may not feel like you can make a big difference, but if we ALL take a step towards being greener; now that could be a serious impact.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi
Stay tuned for our daily tips and in the meantime, here are a few websites to get you started:
EarthShare provides free green tips, categorized by season.
Green is Universal offers some easy ways you can start to live greener.
GreenPeace lists tips to help create a healthier environment for you and your family, as well as for the Earth.
Zero Waste Home provides 100 tips to lower waste at home.
And for the kids:
National Geographic Kids has a number of tips, and to really get the kids involved, check out Earth Saver’s Club for Kids. They have tips, games and projects. Kids can even join as a member and take a Pledge to help save the planet.
"Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference." - Jane Goodall
One of my favorite ways to make an impact is to always carry a bag (paper or biodegradable, of course) with me on walks and pick up any trash I come across. Comment below and let us know your favorite tips for going green this spring.